12 December 2022

Pirandello Prize

Dear friends and friends,

we are pleased to invite you to the award ceremony of the XXII edition of the Luigi Pirandello National Theater Prize, which will be held at Teatro Biondo on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 6:15 pm.

Umberto Orsini, crowning a long career, will collect the Luigi Pirandello International Prize.

Pamela Villoresi, director of Palermo’s Teatro Biondo, will receive a Special Lifetime Achievement Award on the occasion of her 50 years in theater, film and television.

Alessio Vassallo, an acclaimed performer in film, television and theater, who starred last year in Andrea Camilleri’s La concessione del telefono in the Biondo production directed by Giuseppe Dipasquale, will receive the Special Jury President’s Award.

The young Martina Consolo, who trained with Emma Dante at the Biondo school and distinguished herself in successful productions directed by Dante herself and, more recently, in Emiliano Pellisari’s Fellini Dreams, will be awarded the Prize intended for actors and actresses under 35 who are not leading actors.

Along with the actors, the following will be honored Roberta Amato, John Arezzo, Nicola Alberto Orofino and Alice Sgroi, authors of the play Tornati (a casa) per tempo – selected by the jury from 166 works in the competition – and the authors of the two essays chosen in the “historical-critical” and “philological” sections, respectively Vito Di Bernardi for Ossatura. Mimmo Cuticchio and Virgilio Sieni: puppets and dance in “Nudity” (Bulzoni, 2019) and Michela Zaccaria for Primedonne. Flaminia and Silvia from the Commedia dell’Arte to Marivaux (Bulzoni, 2019).

Present at the award ceremony will be Giovanni Puglisi, President of the “Lauro Chiazzese” Foundation for Art and Culture and the Pirandello Jury, Raffaele Bonsignore, President of the Sicily Foundation, and jurors: Marco Carapezza, Valentina Garavaglia, Alessandro Pontremoli and Antonio Silvia.

Presented by actress Viviana Lombardo.

We look forward to seeing you in the theater to experience this festive time together.